
Post Transplant Discharges and Readmission - Oct 9th to 24th

  The first few days at in DMU ward post transplant were quite uneventful. I was on Ciclosporin transfusions and antibiotics but not much more. Thankfully I wasn't having any bad side effects, and spent most of the time waiting for them to happen. Between days 8 and 12 post transplant people often experience some poor times. During all this, my blood numbers are continuing to fall. The chemo knocks everything out of you in preparation for the transplant. At the time of having my transplant my haemoglobin, platelets and neutrophils etc were fairly healthy but by Tuesday the 12th these had all plummeted down with my platelets at just 8 meaning I needed a transfusion. Platelets help (forgive me Biology buffs) stop your blood from just continually pumping out after a cut so that it has time to heal. Basically if I cut myself shaving it would never stop. The following day my haemoglobin had dropped to 75 so I needed a blood transfusion too. I also ended up getting a magnesium transfusio...