1st Round Done and Discharged - June 12 - 18th
Saturday June 12th was an alright day, my neutrophils (for those following, this is like your immune system. And whether I go home or not basically depends on getting these up, it would prove the chemo has done its job really), registered at 0.13! The average person would likely have a count between 2.2 and 7.5 roughly. So mine are low, but they're now registering on counts. So this was good news, especially as I was expecting to maybe hit 0.10 by Monday. It showed that I was beginning to see growth, hopefully this would continue. I still ended the day with a temperature spike above 38C which was a bummer. But I think this evens out to a win still. June 13th saw my neutrophils continue to rise, hitting 0.24. These are still low but the incline is now obvious, and I'm beginning to feel optimistic. My parents were allowed to visit, and for the first time in 30 odd days, the nursing team told me I was allowed to leave my room and even go outside for 15-30 minutes. This was an ama...